What I’m Reading - 10.26.24
*Note: Some books have been linked to Amazon to provide additional information about book titles, but I hope you’ll source them from your local independent seller if you can.
I’ve been mentioning to people a lot lately that I feel my love of food is finally coming full circle. It’s one thing to love delicious food, but understanding how difficult a journey it can be to make it to your plate, and subsequently the impact it can make on the planet, is something different entirely. I’m just two chapters in, but expect me to share my review when I’m finished.
If you know me you know I’m obsessed with human connection, even though I’m a singleton at 53 and mostly eschew large gatherings of more than three people. And yet I have this insatiable need to BELONG. As a modern woman I have everything I could ever need to make my life comfortable, but I want more than “just” that. This book explains why.
Remember that one time I wrote an article for Ambrook Research? Well, they have a podcast, too! Sarah K. Mock is my latest agricultural crush and she’s killing it on The Only Thing That Lasts (which she writes and produces) but before that she wrote some books. This is her first and she talks about what makes some small farms successful, what doesn’t, and if it will ever be possible to get rid of “big corporate farms”.
I was recently reading about the chocolate oligopoly from one of my favorite new substack newsletters, You’re Probably Getting Screwed, when I went down a bit of a rabbit hole and ended up reading this disturbing piece from Boondoggle about Walmart. As if I needed another reason to hate Walmart even more. Do we need to keep buying cheap junk?
This is not the first time I’ve written about Muhammad Ayub and what he’s doing at Dancing Goats and Singing Chickens Organic Farm. It’s not the second time, either. It’s the third.