A Really Good Sandwich

Egg Salad Sando from Tokyo Sando in Portland, Oregon

The egg salad sando from Tokyo Sando food truck in Portland, OR

My dad has cancer.

I know that’s not what you were anticipating the first sentence of this post to be, but I have to put it out there. My dad has cancer and like anyone who has had cancer or has a family member who did, or does, it’s super shitty. My mom died of breast cancer 10 years ago this past week, actually, and while my dad’s cancer is reacting positively to surgery and chemo, he’s been battling a lot of adverse reactions (obviously) and has been in and out of the hospital pretty much weekly.

So I’m feeling a lot of feelings. It’s brought back all the memories of going through my mother’s journey with her, only this time, I’m 2,500 miles away and can only helplessly “like” and respond to group texts as Dad and Donna share their journey with us.

As he geared up for a second round of chemo, he sent the following text to us one morning:

“I made a really good sandwich today. Sourdough bread, provolone, roast beef, and tomato. Butter both sides of the bread, add ingredients and toast.”

It’s hard to argue about how unfair life is when you’re eating a really good sandwich. I guess my dad knows that, and I’m happy that he reminded us to enjoy the little things in life that make being here special.

Looking forward to my next “really good sandwich” with you, Pop.

Heidi Roth

I am a Visual Storyteller, helping you leverage opportunities that help people see you and your brand more clearly.


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